DIY Welcome String Art

Mantel String Art

String Art: In the 70’s it was mega-bright string banded around nails set in dark velvet to form mushrooms, owls, and other totally groovy designs.  Today it’s a fairly simply DIY project that I’ve had a serious design project crush on ever since I saw this heart design.

Call me lazy (in my defense it was 8 am on a Saturday and I was out of Kcups), but there was no way I was going to go search for a piece of wood, figure out a place that would cut the thing to size, stain it, and then impatiently wait for it to dry. With my design ADD, it most likely would only be hanging for 3 months, max.

After searching the house for a possible alternative, I gave the below a whirl:

Pins and Thread

-Embroidery thread (I used one group of thread for every letter)
-Straight dressmaking pins (I used approx. 200)
-An old frame you don’t use anymore with the mat removed so it’s just the glass, frame, and backing (Mine was one of those matted for 5-5×7 pictures)
-Cut-to-size foam board approx. 1/4 in. thick

How to String Word Art

Make it:
-Take apart the frame you’re using and cut the foam board to the same size as the glass part
-Put the frame back together substituting the foam board for the glass and getting rid of the mat (if there is one)
Download the Bebas Neue font I used or pick your own (remember thick fonts work the best) and design your wording or image
-Print on normal printer paper
-Cut out design and arrange on foam board
-Outline letter with pins, placing approx. 1/4 in. apart
-Remove your stencil
-Tie a knot around one of the pins with your embroidery thread and crisscross back and forth across and around the all the pins until you’ve achieved the desired look!

DIY Welcome String Art


Tada! Enjoy!!

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